Ok anyone and everyone can stereotype all they want but my sister got skills. She do nails!!! Not only her but I can do them as well. hahaha. People might say all Asians do nails but Ha regardless of race when whom and whoever need their nails done "Where do ya go???" To an Asian spot (Don't get me wrong some of them are horrible, I agree). I hear it all the time "Asian people can do nails"...Hmm that's because we like to pamper ourselves, we like to keep our stuff fresh, so what do we sit back and say "Why not make money out of it?" So what I can say is one of my goals is to own my own shop...Sisterly Owned...If ya have a problem with that ya can kiss my @$$$ Cause I will be the one that will be bankin hahaha
She did the white tips on my toes and gold tips on my finger nails. I wish ya can see them on my finger nails but its almost the color of my skin in the picture. But it looks really good. I like to try different things on my nails.
Anyways once I found out that she can do nails and she love doing it. I totally stop going to the shop and started growing my nails out (all real baby) and have her do them. I went out and bought all of the supplies and it was a wrap from then on. My best friend Brandi also bought me a relaxing spa foam bath machine for me to soak my foot in (thank you). And I love it. I will be going to cosmetology school to get my nail license to become a nail technician in March and will graduate the end of June. My sister will go and get hers once she graduate from high school in June...Be on the lookout for us :)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Manicure/Pedicure (being pampered by my sister Nari)
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 8:30 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Officially 24
I turned 24 yesterday December 22. LOL I get teased a lot cause people say that's still a baby or the people I'm around is older than I am which is cool I learned a lot from them. But what I can say is that I am a women. A smart one at that. I had a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY. I can't ask for anything better. I didn't go out. It was too cold and to be honest I'm startin to become more of a home body unless it's pertaining to business then I will step out. But I'd rather stay in and be comfy with my love ones. My birthday started off on Sunday then it carried onto Monday. I had dinner and a movie and my gift was...aahh (speechless). Anyways enough about that.
I can sit back and say I met some interesting and great people in my life. I learned a lot and accomplished a lot. I'm apart of a company that I love and is driven and passionate about. My kids are healthy, my family and friends support me and got my back 150 percent. What I can say is that I wished I have done more. But at the same time I live life with no regrets. Just have to learn from it and make changes and think more smarter and wiser at everything that I do. Now its time to push it to the limit. I am ready for anything and everything that will come my way. I set goals that I will accomplish before I turned 25. 2009 I am ready. IT WILL BE A GREAT YEAR...
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 10:42 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Entourage..."Ari Gold is leaving broadway"
The "Entourage" star missed a Tuesday evening performance and a Wednesday matinee due to his high mercury count health concerns, but David Mamet, the playwright of "Speed-the-Plow," appears skeptical of the actor's exit.
A rep for Piven told Variety that the actor wanted to continue his Broadway stint, but was advised by a team of doctors to end his run immediately.
Piven is best known for his role on "Entourage," playing manic Hollywood agent Ari Gold.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 2:04 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wow their second baby...
Usher exclusively introduced his namesake to the world on the cover of ESSENCE in August and shared how fatherhood gave his life new meaning and joy. "When your child looks at you, there's nothing phony," he said. "There's nothing fake about it. It's pure love."
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 2:55 PM 1 comments
Flaws and All...
Great song...I can relate to what she's saying. I think that's why she cried at the end, sometimes you don't mean to hurt that other person's feelings because your having a bad day. Enjoy the Video...
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 1:28 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
"We make Moves...Jwork Team (106&Park air on 12/12/08)"
Man I'm speechless. Were on our way back home from New York city. It was an overwhelming experience. When I say we make moves... I'm serious. Jwork Team goes hard. Our mission was accomplished. We build a lot of connects today at BET. Got in touch with Rocsi&Terrence talked to them for a little and their stylist. Got DJ ProStyle a robot shirt that he rocked on the show. Put some of the audience on and introduced them to Jwork. They were going crazy about Jwork. Exchange info with Champion of FreeStyle Friday...and many more. Man all I have to say is my weekend started off really shitty. I got into a car accident.That really pissed me off. But with me going on this trip all I can say is this made it better. I would do this all over again. Whatever it takes for jwork I'm there.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 11:48 PM 3 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Written from a man...
Ladies this was written from a man. If you don't take these tips I don't know what else to tell you. A lot of females wonder if they knew the answer why some guys act the way they do it would be a lot easier. Or they just sit there and pondor around what happened lol (funniest shit ever). When it was just a fling. When you think about it sometimes its on a female's end on how she portray herself or how she acts. Also not being true to herself. Read and learn...
"Bottom line--if a man sleep with a woman he don't know or care about SEX is NOT going to make him care. (Us guys stopped doing that years ago) That kind of sex is like scratching an itch. Once a man scratches, he's through. He ain't sitting around thinking about that spot that itched or how good it felt scratching it. He's moving on with his life until that spot itches again and it don't matter which hand he scratches it with, just as long as he gets rid of the itch.
Too many women PRETEND they can handle a sexual fling, but wind up getting caught up and wanting a guy to romance and wine and dine them and pretend we're having a "relationship" when it's NOTHING but a booty call. Come on, ladies, y'all know I'm telling the truth.Unfortunately, ladies, you are part of our problem. You sleep with us BEFORE you know us or what we're about. Having sex with a man does not automatically make that a "relationship".
Many women will deny they think like this but I'm speaking from personal experience. Also, ladies know when their men are fooling around and still turn a blind eye by getting mad at the other woman. Now, what kind of sense does that make? Why should that woman make YOU (a total stranger) a priority in her life? IF HE DID NOT MARRY YOU HE IS STILL SINGLE. The "other woman" is not breaking up a "happy home". Many women marry men who were cheating BEFORE they walked down the aisle and then are SHOCKED that a fancy wedding dress or an expensive walk down the aisle didn't change who he was. Why should he change? YOU let him know it was acceptable by sticking around that long.
Ladies, start living with your eyes OPEN. Most shady men give themselves away one way or another, usually before the first 30 days. Women have to stop "rewarding" unfaithful men by pretending it ain't happening.
All of us Men do not cheat. I do not cheat on my lady so don't buy the hype. I know other guys who do not but many men WILL cheat if there are NO real penalties for it. Stop jumping into bed with guys YOU DON'T KNOW. That means fewer opportunities for men to cheat. Women have to STOP being so afraid to ask the important questions that would reveal his TRUE lifestyle. Worry LESS about what kind of job he has and what kind of car he drives and encourage him to talk about his past, particularly his past with women. OPEN those ears and listen. Does he put down his ex-women and blame them for everything? And don't be so vain. You are NOT a better woman than his last. If he dogged her out, you will probably be NEXT. Observe him when you are with him. Do you have his home number? Work number? Have you seen where he lives? Where he works? Is he secretive? Did you ask if he's married or engaged? How does he treat other people? Listen to what he says, NOT what you want to hear.
Stop INTERPRETING the meaning of what he says to fit your purposes. If he says, "I'm not lookin' for nothing right now" -- DON'T tell yourself, "Aw, he just scared of getting hurt. I can change his mind.." NO YOU CAN'T. He said exactly what the hell he meant. Men don't have to lie when so many Women are already DEAF.
If you can't answer BASIC questions about a man DON'T OPEN YOUR LEGS. I could kinda understand back in the days when sex wouldn't KILL people but now? There's no excuse and if a Woman takes that huge risk of sleeping with a STRANGER then she better protect herself -- sexually AND emotionally.
Show our a$$ to the door if we pressure you for sex too soon. Don't be afraid to be alone. After you give our a$$ some you will probably be alone anyway but now you feel like a fool. In other words, take your time and check us out. if we REALLY like you, we'll stick around. BUT if you decided to sleep with a man you hardly know, PROTECT yourself and keep your expectations to ZERO. We do not owe you a relationship or another date just because you had sex with us.
That's not how it works, baby.I have TOO many female friends who give me horror stories that could have been avoided if they'd done their homework first OR moved SLOWER before giving up the panties. I try as a Man to give them the best advice I can but that won't mean a damn thing if females continue to live in a dream world.
You are TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for your own sexual behavior the same as I am. Blaming the man won't change a damn thing. Females have t o look in the mirror and take SOME of the blame for what's wrong with their relationships.
Let me end by saying....
Women are going to have to raise their standards if they expect Men to do it.
The question is, are my beautiful females up to the challenge? Are you willing to be strong and stop taking the easy way out? Ladies, ladies, ladies, hit me back with some truth, not some bullsh#t. I don't want to hear: "What you said don't refer to me 'cause I got my sh#t together and I'm a proud women who intimidates men and I never made no mistakes, it's those other women who do things like that."No, no, no! I don't want to hear you putting yourself on a pedestal because I KNOW you've made mistakes.
Yesterday is the past. Tomorrow is the future. Today is a GIFT, that is why it is called the PRESENT. Making the simple complicated is easy. Making the complicated simple requires extreme CREATIVITY. Work to achieve NOT to acquire....
Peace Out!!!
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 2:15 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A Powerful Song...."cater to you"
This song explains it all. I can say I have no problem catering to my man if he is doing right. I think that most females have an ego to go out their way to give what their man deserve or either they don't believe females should do a certain thing, or thats just not them cause its out of their character. What's wrong with cooking for your man when he had a long day at work, or he's been working really hard and he asked for a back rub or wanting his feet rub. If you know he is good for it there is absolutley nothing wrong with catering to him when he is down, hurting, from a long day.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 11:22 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Old School Video of the Week...
I wonder what happened to Subway and 702. This was one of my favorite song. Enjoy the video :)
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Kourtney Kardashian....
Ok if you guys know me ya know how much I love these girls. The Kardashians!!! Well the older sister Kourtney will be here this saturday at Lodge Bar on Vine street. Yesss I will be there. along with my three other sisters. Lucky, Nary, and Brandi. These Aremenian woman are freakin hott... You never know Kim might be there as well hahahaha.Jwork in the building!!!
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 1:02 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Taking care of your body...
As I was driving home from work the other day I saw this woman jogging at a decent pace and she was pushing a stroller at the same time. I was thinking to myself like "I know that's right" That made me think of what my parents use to tell me no matter what situation your in wheather your in a relationship or married no one will actually care about your body or even you if you don't take care of yourself first.
Your mate will tell you "like hey you should do this or do that" but if you don't do it for yourself and your only doing it cause he/she told you to then your doing it for all the wrong reasons. I mean ofcourse encouragement is what you need but make sure you want to do it.
After giving birth my parents was not playing. They did all these asian remedies from getting my color back cause I was kinda pale, to taking care of my skin (cause they believe after giving birth your body is very sensative and you have to pamper your body from head to toe) to loosing your plump on your belly and also baby fat. And believe me it worked lol. I use to argue all the time with them about it cause my day for 3 months started at 4 am in the morning. But I can say I do appreciate them for being there. R.I.P daddy...thank you ma. I love you guys.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 9:46 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
USA President.... OBAMA!!!
Today is such a beautiful day. I can say my vote count not just mines anyone that went out there and vote your vote count.This mean anyone's dream can come true.Don't let any one tell you, you can't do anything. Just keep pushing.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pictures from Boma pre-season party.
Yes...I rocked an Obama Shirt that night... very hot and exclusive. Everyone need to go out and vote. Females if you would like a shirt you can email me at mary.soeum@jworkltd.com to get more information.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
24 hour no sleep...
I am a walking zombie at work. I can't even function.I might not be making any sense on here.People are trying to carry a conversation with me but I look at them and just say...I'm sorry I don't understand lol. Then I said hold that thought and tell me tomorrw. My eyes are bright red lol.I went on and drank this 5 hour energy. My eyes are wide open but I am tiredddd. I'll be ok...oh yea Jwork is awesome. Peace.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 12:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
B driving to Cleveland...
Wow I am currently in the car with B (brandi) going to Cleveland. She is driving.(Beast lol) Were going down there to get some free tickets at Club View to see Jay-Z perform during the Campaign for Change concert. Yes its free. I am a huge fan of Jay-Z.On behalf of jwork I truly feel that this is an event that we should attend and build some connects.Team also think so as well.So Cleveland here we come!!!
During this drive we actually listened to a whole bunch of ol school jams from Michael Jackson-beat it, Babyface-Slow Jams, Jon B-they don't know, Biggie-One more chance,112-Can I touch you etc...and yes I am on my blog at the same time.You can say I'm a walking blackberry lol. We have 43 miles left f**k. Its now 10:40pm. And I have to be at work at 7:30am lol. Its cool though there's NOS and coffee hahaha.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 10:28 PM 7 comments
Pre-Season Party/Pre-Season Game
I had a pretty good time Thursday night at BOMA for the preseason party that they had for the Cavaliers. Shout out to DJ Steph Floss for showing us (Jwork ) mad support and love. We mingled a lot and met some interesting people. Fly Union was there as well. Shout out to them also. They are cool lol.
But omg me and steps/stairways do not get along. Let me tell you guys the funniest thing that happened to me that night. This is how goofy/clumsy I am. As I was making my way down the steps towards the main dance floor I trip and fell. It was the funniest thing ever. I laugh so hard when I got up. Matter fact I'm laughing now as I'm typing this out. I leaned over to the right trying to play it off as I was getting up. Lol. But I don't care who seen me cause it happens to me almost every morning when I go down my stairs at my apartment but that's like 12 steps lol.
But overall that night was coo. We went and did some shots there. Pictures will be posted soon...
Friday night was amazing. I had fun. It was my first NBA game. It was packed. Traffic getting there was crazy/hectic. The weather was crazy. It rained:( I was really excited being there also nervous at the same time. During the game something bad really happen to one of the cavaliers dance member. He got injured while starting to perform, fell head first and was unconscious. I hope he is ok.
Yesss the CAVS won....after the game it was pourin rain outside (the worst). I was thinkin to myself man we parked so far with no umbrella and I have on pumps. But let me tell you guys when it comes down to getting to where I need to be I will do whatever. In the rain, I took my heels off and ran to the car. Lol. So for those who went that was me who ran about 2 1/2 miles bare foot. Lmao!
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 10:59 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I love wearing scarves....

Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 8:40 PM 4 comments
My Goal Sister...lol
Well I can say Ms. Brandi (D.O.M) is my goal sister. Actually she mentioned it to me first hahaha. We share our goals and basically the aspect of life with eachother. Although she's my business partner but she is also like a sister to me. We usually meet once a week to talk about life and something we accomplish within that week and or any positive moves that's going on with one another and it help out a lot. Shout out to Ms. Brandi....I love you mama.
Do any of you have a support system? Or a bff that you go to when you need to talk? Leave me a comment below and tell me about it....
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 8:31 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Movies this past week...
This past weekend was great for me. I love going out to the movies or even sometime staying in and watching a movie. You can get ideas,or even learn new things.
1. Eagel Eye was a great movie (I love Shia labuff...I think that's how you spell his lastname)There is something about that boy that I think is very attractive...this movie was one of those movie's where it make you think about what else dont the govenrment tell you about... Hmm a lot of things.
2.Quarantine...that movie was off the hook. It made you think if you were in that situation what would you have done. That's the type of movie it was and at the same time it pisses you off cause how people was acting in the movie. But I guess that's apart of creating a movie. There's a couple jumpy parts. Knowing me I jumped through out the whole movie lol.
3.Max Payne...what can I say I love Marky Mark.That was a phenomenal movie. I love it.Action/Mystery is one of my favorite type of movie to watch. There was a lot of killing/shooting in this movie. Perfect I love it all.
I can say when you get a chance if you haven't already seen these movie...you should check it out. Its worth your money...
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 9:31 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Cleveland Cavaliers October 24 2008 (Friday)
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 1:32 PM 7 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Getting fit and getting right.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 12:56 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
A mixture of each equal me...lol
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 5:50 PM 1 comments
A female's best facial attribute...

Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I Love My baby Tees...
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 2:19 PM 2 comments
It's been awhile...lol
So I created my blog when I was working at wack ass chase...It was so boring at that job that I had so many things that I can do there..."So what do you do?" Surf the net right lol...But yep I'm back again. I introduced this site to many of my team members at Jwork. As you can see their site is bananas...It's blowing up like crazy. Usually I like to check the page out and see what I can re-design before I actually go into posting things up. But it's a learning process. I will try to write on here daily about my thoughts and where abouts and what I'm up to. This is going to be more of a personal/business page basically anything that come to my mind...Stay Tuned...Peace with chicken grease hahahaha
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 1:28 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
On a mission
Hey what's up everyone. I wanted to test this out and I can truly say from my experience with this site is great. It's user friendly and I like that. Hope you all come to my blogs often cause I will be putting up what's going on with Jwork and my team members will also have a blog page on here soon. Look out for us.
Director Of Operation
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 1:25 PM 1 comments