Ok...I think what brings out a woman's face is her eyebrows. I don't understand how some females can shave off all their eyebrows and than draw them in. That makes no sense. Especially the ones that have them pencil thin as well I don't understand that. The thicker the better. When I say thick it has to be nicely shaped and waxed. Not out of place and bushy.
The number one tip is to get it waxed...Not use a shaver...
You can tweeze the one that are growing out of place, but if you feel that it's too thin then let them grow out for about 4weeks...then go and get it waxed. You'll be suprised at what the outcome will look like. It's like training your eyebrows to grow a certain way...
After that once your done getting them waxed you can fill them in so they can look darker if your eyebrows are too light. And the key to that is don't use an eyeliner pencil. You want to use an eyebrow shader with a specific brush...
Hahaha my tip...Oh yea and ya got that for free :) Thank me later...
My wife is always complimenting your eyebrows....I will pass on the info to her....lol
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