Yes...I rocked an Obama Shirt that night... very hot and exclusive. Everyone need to go out and vote. Females if you would like a shirt you can email me at to get more information.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pictures from Boma pre-season party.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 6:25 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
24 hour no sleep...
I am a walking zombie at work. I can't even function.I might not be making any sense on here.People are trying to carry a conversation with me but I look at them and just say...I'm sorry I don't understand lol. Then I said hold that thought and tell me tomorrw. My eyes are bright red lol.I went on and drank this 5 hour energy. My eyes are wide open but I am tiredddd. I'll be ok...oh yea Jwork is awesome. Peace.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 12:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
B driving to Cleveland...
Wow I am currently in the car with B (brandi) going to Cleveland. She is driving.(Beast lol) Were going down there to get some free tickets at Club View to see Jay-Z perform during the Campaign for Change concert. Yes its free. I am a huge fan of Jay-Z.On behalf of jwork I truly feel that this is an event that we should attend and build some connects.Team also think so as well.So Cleveland here we come!!!
During this drive we actually listened to a whole bunch of ol school jams from Michael Jackson-beat it, Babyface-Slow Jams, Jon B-they don't know, Biggie-One more chance,112-Can I touch you etc...and yes I am on my blog at the same time.You can say I'm a walking blackberry lol. We have 43 miles left f**k. Its now 10:40pm. And I have to be at work at 7:30am lol. Its cool though there's NOS and coffee hahaha.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 10:28 PM 7 comments
Pre-Season Party/Pre-Season Game
I had a pretty good time Thursday night at BOMA for the preseason party that they had for the Cavaliers. Shout out to DJ Steph Floss for showing us (Jwork ) mad support and love. We mingled a lot and met some interesting people. Fly Union was there as well. Shout out to them also. They are cool lol.
But omg me and steps/stairways do not get along. Let me tell you guys the funniest thing that happened to me that night. This is how goofy/clumsy I am. As I was making my way down the steps towards the main dance floor I trip and fell. It was the funniest thing ever. I laugh so hard when I got up. Matter fact I'm laughing now as I'm typing this out. I leaned over to the right trying to play it off as I was getting up. Lol. But I don't care who seen me cause it happens to me almost every morning when I go down my stairs at my apartment but that's like 12 steps lol.
But overall that night was coo. We went and did some shots there. Pictures will be posted soon...
Friday night was amazing. I had fun. It was my first NBA game. It was packed. Traffic getting there was crazy/hectic. The weather was crazy. It rained:( I was really excited being there also nervous at the same time. During the game something bad really happen to one of the cavaliers dance member. He got injured while starting to perform, fell head first and was unconscious. I hope he is ok.
Yesss the CAVS won....after the game it was pourin rain outside (the worst). I was thinkin to myself man we parked so far with no umbrella and I have on pumps. But let me tell you guys when it comes down to getting to where I need to be I will do whatever. In the rain, I took my heels off and ran to the car. Lol. So for those who went that was me who ran about 2 1/2 miles bare foot. Lmao!
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 10:59 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I love wearing scarves....

Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 8:40 PM 4 comments
My Goal
Well I can say Ms. Brandi (D.O.M) is my goal sister. Actually she mentioned it to me first hahaha. We share our goals and basically the aspect of life with eachother. Although she's my business partner but she is also like a sister to me. We usually meet once a week to talk about life and something we accomplish within that week and or any positive moves that's going on with one another and it help out a lot. Shout out to Ms. Brandi....I love you mama.
Do any of you have a support system? Or a bff that you go to when you need to talk? Leave me a comment below and tell me about it....
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 8:31 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Movies this past week...
This past weekend was great for me. I love going out to the movies or even sometime staying in and watching a movie. You can get ideas,or even learn new things.
1. Eagel Eye was a great movie (I love Shia labuff...I think that's how you spell his lastname)There is something about that boy that I think is very attractive...this movie was one of those movie's where it make you think about what else dont the govenrment tell you about... Hmm a lot of things.
2.Quarantine...that movie was off the hook. It made you think if you were in that situation what would you have done. That's the type of movie it was and at the same time it pisses you off cause how people was acting in the movie. But I guess that's apart of creating a movie. There's a couple jumpy parts. Knowing me I jumped through out the whole movie lol.
3.Max Payne...what can I say I love Marky Mark.That was a phenomenal movie. I love it.Action/Mystery is one of my favorite type of movie to watch. There was a lot of killing/shooting in this movie. Perfect I love it all.
I can say when you get a chance if you haven't already seen these should check it out. Its worth your money...
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 9:31 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Cleveland Cavaliers October 24 2008 (Friday)
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 1:32 PM 7 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Getting fit and getting right.
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 12:56 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
A mixture of each equal
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 5:50 PM 1 comments
A female's best facial attribute...

Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I Love My baby Tees...
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 2:19 PM 2 comments
It's been
So I created my blog when I was working at wack ass chase...It was so boring at that job that I had so many things that I can do there..."So what do you do?" Surf the net right lol...But yep I'm back again. I introduced this site to many of my team members at Jwork. As you can see their site is bananas...It's blowing up like crazy. Usually I like to check the page out and see what I can re-design before I actually go into posting things up. But it's a learning process. I will try to write on here daily about my thoughts and where abouts and what I'm up to. This is going to be more of a personal/business page basically anything that come to my mind...Stay Tuned...Peace with chicken grease hahahaha
Posted by Ms. Mary (D.O.O) Jwork Limited at 1:28 PM 1 comments